Saturday, November 28, 2009

Anyone know about this service?

Pixel Pipe

An important quote

"If you always tell the truth, you never have to remember anything." -Mark Twain

Resources Galore

Here are the sites I am fiddling with at this point:

Friend Feed
My Life
Pixel Pipe
(and several that aren't coming to mind immediately)

The serious challenge is understand the wealth of resources.

Where David Armano's presentation on U.0

Thanks again, David.

in reference to: Brand "U.0" (view on Google Sidewiki)

The Artful Balance in Personal Branding

When one thinks of a person as a brand, that person's growth can be threatened.

"But I am creating my brand to sponsor my growth!"

No debate. We just have to realize what we are doing.

Two quotes come to mind:

"First we shape our buildings. Then our buildings shape us." -Winston Churchill

"The problems we now have cannot be solved by the thinking that originally created them." -Albert Einstein

We have to make sure that in our branding, we (people) can still progress. We don't know everything. When we learn something new, our views change and, if we are a brand, we throw off the brand consistency. Catch 22.

If we will remember that, to those who interact with whatever brand we create, they see that brand as a person. In harmony with our circumstances, we must build into the brand the ability to grow with us - one way or another. If we try to maintain the brand we created and do not make space for the person we have become from our growth, something - sooner or later - is going to give. It is much better for everyone if the tectonic plates of our characters are allowed to slowly slide past one another instead of hanging up and later reconciling themselves violently.

We are here to grow...and we are not alone.

Need to watch

We've heard a bunch about people being brands. It's actually the other way around: a brand is a person. As people, we only know how to relate to people.

in reference to: YouTube - David Armano, Brand U.0, Critical Mass (view on Google Sidewiki)